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E.g., 01/13/2025
E.g., 01/13/2025

No Records Available..

E.g., 01/13/2025
E.g., 01/13/2025

No Records Available..

E.g., 01/13/2025
E.g., 01/13/2025
Sl.No Tender Ref No. Item Details & Download Published Date Due Date Extended Due Date Corrigendum Tender Category
251 MoES/NCCR/ME/Minor Equipment/36/2018 Procurement of Hot Water Bath 16/10/2019 - 4:50pm 29/10/2019 - 5:00pm 08/11/2019 - 5:00pm Yes Limited Tender
252 MoES/NCCR/ME/Minor Equipment/36/2018 Supply of Micro Centrifuge 11/10/2019 - 4:50pm 11/11/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Open e-Tender
253 MoES/NCCR/ME/Minor Equipment/36/2018 Supply of Ice Flaking Machine 11/10/2019 - 4:40pm 11/11/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Open e-Tender
254 MoES/NCCR/ME/Minor Equipment/36/2018 Supply of Freezer 11/10/2019 - 4:40pm 11/11/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Open e-Tender
255 MoES/NCCR/ME/Minor Equipment/36/2018 Supply of Digital Analytical Balance 11/10/2019 - 4:40pm 11/11/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Open e-Tender
256 MoES/NCCR/ME/Minor Equipment/36/2018 Supply of Bead Mill Homogenizer 11/10/2019 - 4:30pm 11/11/2019 - 5:00pm 22/11/2019 - 5:00pm Yes Open e-Tender
257 MoES/NCCR/ME/Minor Equipment/36/2018 Supply of Assay Kits 11/10/2019 - 4:30pm 11/11/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Open e-Tender
258 MoES/NCCR/Clearing Agent/35/2019 Service of Clearing Agent 10/10/2019 - 4:00pm 25/10/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Limited Tender
259 MoES/NCCR/Travels/17/2017(Tender) Hiring of Travel Vehicles 01/10/2019 - 12:00pm 15/10/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Limited Tender
260 MoES/NCCR/ESM/Procurement/8/2018- Vol IV supply of consumables for GC instrument 23/09/2019 - 5:20pm 09/10/2019 - 5:00pm NIL Single Tender


E.g., 01/13/2025
E.g., 01/13/2025

No Records Available..

Instruction to Bidders

  • 1) Bids should be submitted in two parts i) Technical and ii) Financial, unless otherwise specified for single bid (Techno-Commercial) in tender.
  • 2) The technical bid should not contain any price details, otherwise the bid will be disqualified. The price bid details should be in financial bid ONLY.
  • 3) Bidder should submit all the supportive documents for tender qualification criteria, technical specification, etc.
  • 4) Bidder should submit all the product brochures of the quoted item.