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1) Seawater quality data:

  •  In the past 25 years the Seawater Quality Monitoring program (SWQM) has ensured availability of quality data on coastal water quality in the country. The processed data on physical, chemical and biological parameters are disseminated to the end users through Indian National Centre for Ocean Information System (INCOIS) web server.
  • A background note on the "Status of Marine and Coastal Pollution in India and Efforts made by the Ministry for its Mitigation" was submitted to MoEF&CC. This background note was presented to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Science & Technology, Environment & Forests on 14th December 2016.


2) Human resource development: 


  • Periodical training programmes on analysis of seawater quality (Chemical and Microbiological) parameters are conducted for academicians, scientists, scholars, students and other stakeholders.


3) Infrastructure Development:

Marine Microbial Reference Facility (MMRF), MoES:

The MMRF was established in 2003 at CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, RC Kochi. The major objectives of the facility are to:

  • support the nodal agencies involved in SWQM programme for identification and preservation of health indicator bacteria;
  • conduct training programmes on basic techniques involved in monitoring health indicator bacteria; and
  • maintaining the library of health indicator bacteria from the coastal waters isolated by all the SWQM participating centres.